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The website contains information regarding SIC Marking's product & service offering. While the information on this website was conceived to be as exact & exhaustive as possible, any/all information supplied on this website is meant for information purposes only. The information contained on this website does not constitute an offer of sale. SIC Marking however reserves the right to bring, at any time and without advance notice, modifications to products or services, their characteristics and availability.
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SIC Marking reserves the right to update, at any time and without notice, the present regulations of the website according to commercial imperatives, and invites the user to visit the present page before every visit of the website in order to be informed of the latest up-to-date regulations of use of the website. Any partial or complete reproduction, realized without SIC Markings written consent, is illegal. According to existing legislation, you have a right of access / modification to the information concerning you that is detained by SIC Marking.